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In April 2014 Opus Law appeared before the Interim Orders Panel at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal in Manchester to represent D (see below), a surgeon who faced investigation by the General Medical Council with regard to his Fitness to Practice on health and probity grounds.


The GMC advocate requested that the Interim Orders Review Panel impose additional conditions on D following a finding by an expert psychiatrist that he may be suffering from early onset frontal lobe dementia.


On behalf of D Opus Law submitted that the doctor’s fitness to practice was not impaired on health grounds as that the finding by the psychiatrist could not be relied upon. Expert evidence obtained by the defence from a leading neuropsycologist and further evidence form a consultant psychiatrist suggesting that the doctor was fit to practice was put before the tribunal. We submitted that the doctor’s health and further his probity could not be called into question based upon evidence obtained and presented.


Having heard our evidence on behalf of D the Interim Orders panel refused the GMC application add further conditions and revoked all previous orders. D now has no conditions attached to his practice and is able to return to his duties.

If you wish to be represented by Opus Law before the MPTS or you face proceedings being brought by the GMC please contact Opus Law and ask to speak to a member of the Regulatory team.

Case represented by David Golden, Opus Law.

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