Opus Law Case Listed in HMRC Top Ten Prosecutions of 2018
Opus Law acted for K in a prosecution lauded in HM Revenue and Customs’ ‘Top 10 Prosecutions of 2018’. Our client was the alleged mastermind of the enterprise.
By any standards this was a voluminous prosecution involving the entire Opus Law team. The case involved allegations of millions of pounds’ worth of falsely claimed tax repayments and a large-scale facilitation of bogus visa applications. The case also involved liaison with a number of independent Counsel instructed by HMRC in relation to Legal Professional Privilege and a series of complex arguments followed, including one of abuse of process.
Hundreds of thousands of pages of documents were considered and dissected and numerous carefully prepared disclosure requests submitted in writing and at court. Many hours were spent taking the client’s instructions and in conference with Queens Counsel and Junior Counsel. The case was meticulously prepared for trial.
The trial lasted for some 33 weeks during which our client absconded and remains at large.
Case represented by David Golden, Opus Law.