Ben Jones, Director, represented a company who had their business account frozen by HMRC by way of an Account Freezing Order (AFO) which in this case was unusually made on notice. The company, which had a previously unblemished record, found that over £162,000 of their working capital fell to be frozen for a substantial period of time.
We objected to the granting of the AFO and a substantial defence was put together and served upon HMRC. The matter was listed for a full days hearing during which HMRC asked the court to grant the AFO for at least 6 months.
Having considered the substantial amounts of evidence put forward and the compelling arguments presented on behalf of our clients, the court only allowed HMRC a 3 month period by which to make their investigations. After that 3 month period HMRC found that they were satisfied by the evidence provided and they lifted the AFO allowing our clients unfettered access to their funds.
John Carl Townsend of Carmelite Chambers was instructed in this case.
Case represented by Ben Jones, Opus Law.